Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Sick Day by Patricia MacLachlan & Illus by Jane Dyer

I love Patricia MacLachlan, but I had never seen this one before. Which isn't surprising. She has written SO MANY books. 

There is definitely a 1990's vibe in this book, but it was so sweet I didn't mind! 

A little girl is feeling sick and spends the day with her father. 

Emily is not feeling well. She has a stomachache in her head and a headache in her throat. 

Her father asks if that is all. 

"My toe hurts where I stubbed it last year," she said.

A sick day it is then. 

Emily is a demanding patient, but her father is a willing slave. 

They do Emily's hair in bobbles.

Her father listens to her stomach to see if it is going to swallow up. He convinces Emily that it doesn't want to swallow up. And he does it in such a funny way that she laughs too hard and throws up. 

Stories are told.

Clear soup is finally drank down after Father puts a little giraffe in the soup because Emily doesn't like soup with nothing in it. 

Music is made and finally, Emily's sick day begins to draw to a close. 

Just in time for Emily to take care of Father on his sick day. 

She does all the things Father did for her. 

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