Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Strega Nona's Harvest by Tomie dePaola

For some reason, I have never really read the Strega Nona books. 

And, interestingly, I thought this was posted on Thanksgiving, but it wasn't. So here it is now. 

(Side note, see the Imagination Library logo on the bottom right? That is a terribly terrific program by Dolly Parton. Because her father was illiterate, she sends any child under five a free book every month. EVERY MONTH. And they are good books. You should really look into it if you have an under-five in your life.)

Strega Nona is getting ready for spring planting.

She teaches her two helpers, Bambolona and Big Anthony all her tips and tricks for making a garden grow well. 

Big Anthony decides to see if he plant a garden too. 

He does exactly what Strega Nona did. 

....Except for the straight row thing. Big Anthony thought that was overrated. 

In no time, his garden looked like a jungle.

You can see Strega Nona's terribly straight and orderly garden and Big Anthony's helter skelter one. 

Harvest begins.

Big Anthony doesn't know what to do with his bounty, so he just piles them up in front of Strega Nona's door. 

All this surplus food starts overtaking her house. 

So she goes to the nuns to see if they would like some extra food. 

Strega Nona learns that the rest of the village didn't have a good harvest. 

She goes to the mayor and offers to cook food for the entire village. 

Preparations ensue. 

A lovely feast is had by all!

And each guest is allowed to take an armful home to their larders. 

Ahh! Strega Nona feels much better with her kitchen empty of all those vegetables.

But... where did they come from?! 

Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving! 

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