Monday, October 21, 2019

Frankencrayon by Michael Hall

The crayon monster lives.... 

My kids enjoyed this nosensical book. From the get-go, the publisher makes sure you know THIS PICTURE BOOK HAS BEEN CANCELED. But somehow, there is a book. So what is up with that? 

So while the pencil wants to just tell everyone to go home, nothing to see here, the crayons want everyone to know what happened. 

So the stage is set....

And suddenly a screaming scribble rents the page! 

Consternation in Crayonland. But that's okay, the cleaning crew will take care of it. 

Except the cleaning crew just makes it BIGGER. So everyone tries to help push it off the page.

But the scribble was out of control!

So everyone had to leave and the book was cancelled. Except.....

...nobody told Frankencrayon who had been told to wait on page 22. 

Frankencrayon gave the scribble a mouth so he could figure out what was going on.

And then we get to the lessons learned--

1. Don't forget to tell everyone when a story has been canceled! 
2. Don't try to unscribble a scribble by scribbling on it.
3. Even a messy scribble can be a lovely  thing. 

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