Monday, June 13, 2016

The Little Farm by Lois Lenski

This book is so adorably precious! Have you seen any of the Mr. Small books? There is a policeman small, a cowboy small, and a Papa Small. I particularly like this one. It is a simple, happy look at a little farm. How could I help loving it? This is a favorite with Gilbert, too. It gives him great delight if I call Farmer Small, Farmer Gilbert. Because Gilbert is going to be a farmer when he grows up.

Good to know.

Farmer Small's Farm as seen by the eye of a bird

This book follows Farmer Small through his day, with a few seasonal things thrown in. 

Feeding the animals. 

Milking the cows.

Happy sigh.

Putting the cows out to pasture.

(It is one of those books where they use one color every other page. I keep meaning to look that up and see if it was a cost saving measure or if it was just the style of the day. 

Dropping his milk cans off.

Look how perfectly delighted the pigs are by their slops!

Very skinny tractor.


That might be a sickle bar mower. 

Elsie is always worried about the falling apples. 

Firewood! One of my favorite pictures. 

I love this picture too.

Collecting eggs at the end of the day.

Heading in.

Lenski ends each of her Mr. Small books this way. 

I like continuity!

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