Wednesday, January 3, 2018

You're All Kinds of Wonderful by Nancy Tillman

It is always lovely to start the new year off with a little encouragement. So here is Nancy Tillman's ode to the marvelousness of you. 

Side note--As the mother of a Down's boy-o, I can't even tell you how close my heart was to bursting when I saw a little girl with Down's Syndrome on the front cover here. SO CLOSE. 

My sister brought this to me because she knows how much I would love this. 

She is wise. 

We're not all the same. Thank goodness we're not. 
Life would be boring, and I mean--a lot.

And so, when we're born, we're supplied at the start
with our own bells and whistles to set us apart. 

Think of your bells as the things you do best.
Things tucked away in your own treasure chest. 

You'll try some things on
that simply don't fit. 

Don't be discouraged
That's all part of it. 

And sometimes a someone will give you the feeling 
that his bells and whistles are much more appealing.

Look this way! Talk this way! Be just like me! 

That's monkey business. Don't eat from that tree. 


I think everyone would be better off if they read it each week or so. 

I am occasionally on the fence about Nancy Tillman's art work. Some of it is so realistic it looks photographic, and others are impressionistic--it occasionally feels disjointed. But oh! there is such joy and delight in these pictures!!

You REALLY need to read this book. So do yourself a favor and read it RIGHT NOW. 

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